Grootbos Florilegium: An Original Fynbos Botanical Collection

Introducing Africa's First Contemporary Florilegium

Situated in one of the most biodiverse biomes on the planet, Grootbos has always had a deep connection with the Cape Floral Kingdom that we call home.

Its rarity and uniqueness are renowned within the botanical world and for the past 25 years it has been our desire to not only protect this precious region but share it with the world.

It is this very desire that has led us on a unique journey to create Africa’s First-ever contemporary florilegium, the Grootbos Florilegium - a breathtaking collection of botanical artworks that showcases some of our most treasured plants.

Grootbos Florilegium brings together nature and art in innovative ways to not only inspire a passion and dedication for this rare biome but also in a way in which we can instill the importance of conservation in everyone it touches.

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